About Me


My name is Veda. Welcome to Veda J's Jewelry Boutique!

First, a little about how I undertook this endeavor. Being "isolated" during the pandemic led me to look for a way to put a positive spin on what could be a negative experience. So, I decided to learn how to make jewelry with the goal of making "something" for family and friends. After doing research and watching numerous "How To" videos, I began my journey. There were challenges along the way, to include not only figuring out what I needed but then obtaining necessary items online (which were often "out of stock"). Finally, I began to make jewelry, which was therapeutic and enjoyable. Seeing the joy and appreciation expressed by those receiving my jewelry gifts was a source of satisfaction and joy. The positive feedback and encouragement from family and friends prompted me to undertake this endeavor in order to maintain a positive focus as well as to supplement a very limited "fixed" income.

I trust that all will go well, and that you will also wear Veda J's Jewelry with confidence and pride.

Thank you for your support!

Veda J.